Sunday, December 18, 2011

Time's 50 Best iPhone Apps in 2011

If you've got an iPhone...then you're probably an Angry Birds addict. There's nothing better to kill time while waiting in line at your local Wallyworld then sling-shotting birds through the air at little green pigs! But there are several other great apps out there for your iPhone, many of which are free. Time Magazine is known for their annual year's end list...and they list their top 50 Best iPhone applications for 2011 here. Enjoy! 


  1. Its a notable read. Most of the iPhone users would have enjoys social networking apps and games on their iPhone. I think social apps are best.

  2. I use mine quite a bit for social media...I'm on the go so much and away from my computer that the iPhone is my way of keeping in touch. I'd be lost without it!

  3. Angry Birds is not just the popular app at this moment, those on the list were really one of those most talk about.


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I work for a Community-Based, Not-for-Profit agency. I have worked in the disability field for over twenty-five years. I am the father of two boys, and have been married to my teenage sweet-heart for 23 years. I live and work in the same town where I was born & raised.
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