Monday, April 8, 2013

Favorite Quotes of Margaret Thatcher

I've always thought Margaret Thatcher was the quintessential British lady. She was tough, outspoken, and a lightening rod of criticism by her adversaries. I am a collector of quotations...I've included a few of my favorites from the 'Iron Lady.'

“If you just set out to be liked, you will be prepared to 

compromise on anything at anytime, and would achieve 

nothing. ” 

“Do you know that one of the great problems of our age is 

that we are governed by people who care more about feelings 

than they do about thoughts and ideas.” 

“Watch your thoughts for they become words.

Watch your words for they become actions.

Watch your actions for they become habits.

Watch your habits for they become your character.

And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.

What we think, we become.

My father always said that... and I think I am fine.” 

“Consensus: “The process of abandoning all beliefs, 

principles, values, and policies in search of something in 

which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the 

process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, 

merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead. 

What great cause would have been fought and won under the 

banner: ‘I stand for consensus?” 

 “Don't follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.” 

“When I'm out of politics I'm going to run a business, it'll be 

called rent-a-spine”

“If you set out to be liked, you will accomplish nothing.” 

“I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without 

hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the 

top, but it will get you pretty near.” 


Note: All photos courtesy of WikiCommons, which are in the public domain. 

1 comment:

  1. Quotes are so versatile. Here's one of my favorites from MLK: A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.
    Kind of combines her consensus being the abandonment of belief with letting the crowd follow you.


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I work for a Community-Based, Not-for-Profit agency. I have worked in the disability field for over twenty-five years. I am the father of two boys, and have been married to my teenage sweet-heart for 23 years. I live and work in the same town where I was born & raised.
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